Maya Bonnier's Fundraiser
Never in our history has there been such an urgent time to protect our beautiful seas; as Dr. Sylvia Earle says, “No water, no life. No blue. No green.” Now, more than ever, we need to start thinking like fish does, for the planet protection.
If you want to make a difference and have a livable tomorrow, join by starting to build a today.
I’m a Belgian teenager, and like most of the people of our generation, I’ve been through lots of mentality changes. But what I didn’t expected was to learn that nobody seems to know what’s the real deal with ocean. We’re just living our consommation life without worrying of what are the repercussions of our living.
It’s by knowing what’s going on that we’ll start to act to stop the destruction.
Now I had the chance to be awake of what humanity have done to our ocean, and by supporting the cause you’ll give you te chance to be awake too.
Just a small donation will go a long way to help meeting our common goal for Mission Blue