Megan Farr

Megan Farr's Fundraiser

Help us to build a network of Hope Spots large enough to save the blue heart of our planet. image

Help us to build a network of Hope Spots large enough to save the blue heart of our planet.

We need your support to save the ocean, one Hope Spot at a time.


$215 towards $1,000

Humans have destroyed over half of all the coral around the world. Oceanologists are saying that by the year 2050 over 90% of all coral will be bleached. As the coral reefs die, coastlines become more susceptible to damage and flooding from storms, hurricanes, and cyclones. Without the coral reefs the ocean will not be able to absorb as much carbon dioxide, leaving more CO2 in the atmosphere .Hope Spots allow us to plan for the future and look beyond current marine protected areas, which are like national parks on land where exploitative uses like fishing and deep sea mining are restricted. Hope Spots are often areas that need new protection. Lets save what little percent of the ocean we have left. How can you do that? Join the Mission Blue movement, and make a donation today!